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发布时间:2017-04-27 07:43:34        

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment and environmental protection technology center / finishing

Take turns to Feng Shui, this year to the environmental protection, the Shanxi TT gas processing (Shenzhen Haidelong Shanxi Office) to share with you:

There is a saying: Feng Shui turn, this year to environmental protection. Since 2017 has been 1/3, "the first year" policy from 2015 began, the environmental heat gradually increased, especially in 2017 the key nodes into the "13th Five-Year" period after it is a kind of a day. Policy one after another, ***all details continuously, let the people China dream is beautiful at the same time, also to the environmental protection industry entered a golden age on the upgrade.      

From the point of view of the first four years, the differentiation of the environmental protection industry segments, air pollution control, soil remediation, waste disposal and other three major areas of an unprecedented degree of concern, as investors who love darling.      

大气治理    Atmosphere control      

2017 is the atmosphere of the asses***ent of ten years, from the central to local environmental protection departments to increase the intensity of air pollution control. The top-level design, the "Beijing Tianjin and surrounding areas in 2017 atmospheric pollution prevention work program", "Tianjin 2017 atmospheric pollution prevention work program" and other follow-up policies introduced gradually become a major field of air pollution control on the rise.      

From the first quarter of the year special inspection of air pollution to the largest in the history of environmental supervision, the central wind swept the country green storm, become the direct driving factors emerging in the past period of the field of air pollution control. In addition there is news that a state-owned big firms first rule haze fund "has recently approved, the four major state-owned banks are actively seeking to set up a" atmosphere fund".      

Therefore, both from the policy level, or the national action, the heat will continue to rise in the field of atmospheric governance. China environmental protection online forecast, the current round of f***orable market at least until the end of 2017 or even longer. Atmospheric governance stocks, snow Dillon, clean environment, condenser technology, precedent for environmental protection and other worthy of focus.      

土壤修复    Soil remediation      

Since the 2016 "ten" published on the topic of heat treatment of soil pollution is high, the details of the implementation, high-level Forte frequently audible and local related "soil" laws and regulati*** h***e been introduced, it is the soil remediation status rise to unprecedented heights. It can be said that the rapid development of soil remediation in 2017 is the inevitable ecological environment, but also the general trend.      

According to the Ministry of Finance recently announced the 2017 budget, the soil was 11 billion 200 million special, is the only growth in the battle of the two digits of the number of three. Special fund is the best reflect the will of the high degree of attention, soil remediation can peep. In addition, the recent events in North China pits fermentation, has become one of the catalysts to soil remediation industry, space industry release is a high probability event.      

As the longest backlog, the lowest base, the largest and most far-reaching areas, the future prospects of soil remediation should not be underestimated. Given the limitati*** of soil remediation time, space, technology and other factors, I believe the next 5~10 years, the industry will maintain a high growth trend. A shares a lot of attention, suggested that Dongjiang environmental, high-energy environment, Yongqing Hongda Industrial Environmental Protection and etc..      

垃圾处理    Garbage disposal      

By the end of last year, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech stressed that the introduction of the general implementation of the garbage classification system, accelerate the establishment of classification, classification, collection, classification, transportation, classification of garbage disposal system. The tone of the issue, it can be said that the rise of the field of garbage disposal in 2017 sounded the clarion call.      

"Landfill closure," technical specificati*** "garbage classification system implementation plan", "on the further strengthening of city garbage incineration work opini***" and the introduction of policies and regulati***, waste disposal segments blowing warm air, greatly stimulated the market.


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