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所在地区: 山西 晋中
联系卖家:    QQ在线咨询873239098
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发布时间:2016-02-26 04:11:28        

Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing
2016 April 20 to 22, "2016 the third session of the national chemical industry (Park) pollution comprehensive management conference" and "2016 the third session of the national chemical industry waste (waste water, waste gas treatment technology and equipment exhibition" will be in the Nanjing International Exhibition Center held a grand. This conference and exhibition will be set up environmental protection technology and equipment of chemical exchange platform, construction of economic development in the highlands of chemical industry.
Chemical industry park is the park, the park is the chemical industry enterprises, green development is the common goal of Chemical Industrial Park, chemical enterprises. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, President of Li Shousheng pointed out that "45" period, to further promote the standardization construction of the park, to enhance the park green and efficient development level; to further improve the standard of construction of the park, pre established project access management system and project assessment system, according to the overall planning and industrial chain planning to introduce the project, to raise the level of industry concentration.
Chemical industrial park can promote the cluster development of China's chemical industry, and to strengthen the centralized management of chemical waste. But with the rapid development of enterprises in the environmental governance is increasingly difficult. Ecological construction, is the beauty of China's most important environmental problem, chemical pollution control is the key point and the difficulty, in order to ensure the park's green development, chemical industry of our country actively adapt to the new normal and industrial structure adjustment, the green low carbon development as the transformation and upgrading of the main direction, parks and enterprises are in the continuous increase investment in environmental protection, and actively promote the industrial restructuring, energy-saving emission reduction and eco construction.
By jointly organized by the Chinese chemical society, chemical industry association of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Sobel Exhibition Corporation units "national chemical industry (Park) pollution comprehensive management conference" and "national chemical industry waste (waste water, waste gas treatment technology and equipment exhibition" start from the needs, and strive to build a "effectiveness" based platform for display, for the chemical industry, especially chemical industry park, to introduce the most advanced, the most practical, the most reasonable price environmental protection technology and products, and strive to meet the actual demand of environmental protection of chemical industry supply and demand sides of the.
"2016 the third session of the national chemical industry (Park) pollution comprehensive management conference" and "2016 the third session of the national chemical industry waste (waste water, waste gas treatment technology and equipment exhibition" is on April 20-22, 2016, continue to in the Nanjing International Exhibition Center held a grand. Session of the general assembly by the Chinese Chemical Institute, China chemical park working committee, Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Association organized special pollution National Pharmaceutical Wastewater Control Engineering Center, CNOOC Tianjin chemical research and Design Institute, Jiangsu Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing University School of environment, focus on the chemical industry park, bewg, thermofisher, magnetic Valley Technology Group, Shanghai Ande, Wallace techase, condenser technology and other authorities and experts on the chemical industry brands, the future development of chemical industry park planning, comprehensive pollution control technology, chemical and environmental protection engineering case analysis, the most concerned about the issue of speech and the participants were full interactive communication.
The chemical industry to achieve zero emissions of pollution and resource processing is the final trend. In view of the chemical industry waste (sewage), the rapid development of water and waste gas treatment technology is the supporting equipment also will change rapidly emerge in an endless stream. The exhibition will have more than 200 possessions in well-known enterprises to display in the chemical industry waste (sewage, waste gas treatment, new technology, new technology, new products, new equipment. For example bewg, Bo day environment such as wastewater treatment enterprises; Suntec, yipule emissions, such as corporate governance; an Mai Tak Group, shares, etc. jintongling MVR brand; Nanjing magnetic Valley, the top margin energy-saving fan brand, Thermo Fisher Haier, even China industrial monitoring / detection brand will to extend the appearance.
In the accumulation of the previous two session of the general assembly, the organizing committee to create the database continues to improve, not only to maintain the maintenance and invitation of chemical industry park, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, electroplating and other old customer groups, and to strengthen the efforts to invite the conversion, coal, chemical, paper, paint, printing and dyeing, rubber plastic, food processing and other large and medium-sized enterprises (Park). According to the statistics group conference, during the investment conference sent a total of staff more than 30 batches to participate in the exhibition and conference industry related to the country, and through visits, telephone, SMS, e-mail and other forms of contact more than 260 relevant industry associations and government agencies, invested a total of conference invitation and visit invitation 9 million copies and not only invited a lot of new customers, and in-depth understanding of the actual demand of the year 2016 "demand side", "industry", "supervision" of and problems to be solved. In order to improve the general assembly of the organization of work quality, better service to supply and demand sides laid a solid foundation.
The exhibition has been widespread concern in the chemical industry park, which Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park, Yangzhou Chemical Industrial Park, Zhenjiang green chemical new material industrial park, Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Yangkou Chemical Industrial Park, Shanghai Chemical Industrial Development Zone, Daya Bay open area, Karamay Petrochemical Industrial Park, Quangang Petrochemical Industrial Park, Ningbo Petrochemical Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nantong Chemical Industrial Park, Hubei and Chemical Industrial Park, Jining City Chemical Industry Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiaxing Port chemical industry park, Tianjin Nangang industrial zone more than 100 Park made it clear that will organize participants to visit. Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Park in Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Association have to respond to the call of the organization of enterprises in the park to visit the participants.
This session of the general assembly and the purpose of the exhibition is to build chemical environmental protection technology and equipment exchange platform, construction of economic development in the highlands of chemical industry. The current exhibition will is free and open to professionals, this session of the General Assembly will of all chemical industrial park, chemical enterprises, technology engineering company, focus on pollution control unit, pollution control technology and equipment demand units industry personnel, are exempt from attendance fees. Conference organizing committee sincerely welcome the various chemical industrial park, chemical industry, sewage treatment plant, environmental protection investment \ design \ engineering \ equipment manufacturing enterprises and local environmental management institutions and associations, societies, research institutes, come to visit Nanjing participating exhibitors, the exchange of learning.
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