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企业等级: 普通会员
所在地区: 山西 晋中
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公司官网: www.sx185.com


发布时间:2015-12-26 03:00:29        

Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing

Reporters recently learned from the relevant departments of Shanghai City, Shanghai will be charged for the emissi*** of volatile organic compounds, fees are divided into 3 stages, and gradually expand the scope. By playing the role of leverage, is expected by the end of 2017, the city's total industrial emissi*** of volatile organic compounds decreased by more than 50%.

Shanghai Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the person in charge, the pilot industry of volatile organic pollutants, including the petrochemical industry, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, packaging, printing, furniture manufacturing, electronics and other 12 major categories of 71 ***all and medium industries, covering the basic industrial emissi*** of volatile organic compounds.

According to the proportion of industry pollution emissi*** and supporting the development process of the standard specification, in 3 stages of time arrangements.

The first phase (since October 1, 2015) in the national pilot industry, based on the increase of paint printing ink production, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding and other volatile organic pollution charges pilot, a total of 5 major categories, 13 ***all and medium industries; second phase (since July 1, 2016) to increase industrial coatings, industrial coatings and other industries, involving 7 categories, third phases (since January 1, 2017) to increase the furniture manufacturing, electronic, rubber, plastics and wood processing industries, involving 12 categories, 71 ***all and medium industries, the basic coverage of the city's key emissi*** of volatile organic compounds.

Volatile organic pollutants emission charges will be divided into 3 steps to gradually improve the level of governance costs. Since October 1, 2015 (the first phase) charges for 10 yuan / kg, since July 1, 2016 (the second phase) charges for 15 yuan / kg, since January 1, 2017 (the third phase) charges 20 yuan / kg.

At the same time, according to the pollution control and emission levels, the implementation of differentiated sewage charges policy. On the industrial volatile organic compounds treatment scheme required to complete treatment of waste gas, emission concentration is less than or equal to the emission limit value of 50%, and then did not h***e the environmental protection department of punishment, according to the standard charge 50% of the sewage charges; for not according to plan calls for a complete waste gas treatment, or waste gas treatment facilities operation is not normal, or the presence of volatile organic compounds exceeded emissi*** and other environmental pollution beh***ior, according to the charge standard of two times the resumption of sewage charges.

It is understood that Shanghai volatile organic compounds in sewage charges from October 1, 2015 started nuclear gauge, from 1 January 2016 officially launched enterprise reporting, audit and billing and collection of related work.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center has to support the light catalytic oxidation lamp, the use of artificial ultr***iolet light produced by the ultr***iolet light vacuum w***e as the energy to activate the photocatalyst, drive the oxidation and reduction reaction, and light catalyst in the reaction process, the use of water and oxygen in air as raw material to produce oxidant, effective degradation of toxic and harmful waste gas to become the biggest characteristic of light catalytic energy s***ing. Shanxi TT photocatalytic oxidation lamp is mainly used in the treatment of the waste gas from the warehouse, the cold storage, the oil refinery, the rubber factory, the chemical plant, the pharmaceutical factory, the sewage treatment plant, the waste transportation station. Please contact Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center: 13835423954

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