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发布时间:2015-12-19 02:32:55        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

VOCs is a kind of volatile organic compounds, the composition is complex, there h***e been detected in the VOCs type has reached more than 300. VOCs emission sources are very complex, which can be divided into natural and man-made sources. The country spent great efforts in the prevention and control of pollution of VOCs, VOCs governance policies continue to overweight, VOCs monitoring, governance and other related industries will also usher in the golden period of development.

1, VOCs is a kind of volatile organic compounds, the composition is complex.

VOCs is an abbreviation for volatile organic compounds. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 1989): volatile organic compounds (VOC) is the general term for the volatile organic compounds, which is more volatile than 133.3Pa at room temperature, and the boiling point is at 50 ~ 260. Due to its complex composition, the VOCs type has been detected more than 300 kinds of.

Table 1:VOCs definiti*** and c***iderati***

2, VOCs 4, a wide range of sources, industrial sources of emissi*** to 1 million 500 thousand t***

VOCs emission sources are very complex, which can be divided into natural and man-made sources. Natural source is mainly based on vegetation, which is not controlled. On the global scale, the natural sources of VOCs are equivalent to anthropogenic sources, but for the key areas, anthropogenic emissi*** are much higher than natural sources, which are 6 ~ 18 times of natural sources.

Figure 1:VOCs source is divided into natural and man-made sources

In China, the main source of anthropogenic VOCs emissi*** from industrial processes, motor vehicle exhaust, paint, etc., in which the industrial process of VOCs emissi***, a variety of. 2014, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces of 4 industrial sources 100~150 emissi*** in the range of VOCs years, the total emissi*** exceeded the national total emissi*** of 7; Liaoning, Hebei, Shanghai, Sichuan, Hubei and Fujian provinces and cities in 38.3% provinces, the total emissi*** accounted for 28.7% of the country, and the remaining 20 provinces and cities in the 0.3~40 million t***, the contribution rate was 33%.

From the region, the VOCs emissi*** of industrial sources are concentrated in the East, South and North, including Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu province and other regi*** of province, and the southeast, northeast and northern regi*** are less than a few economically developed and densely populated cities.

Figure 2: China's industrial sources in cities and counties VOCs emissi***

Figure 3: VOCs emissi*** in various provinces and cities in China

3, VOCs governance policies continue to overweight, sewage charges levied on billi*** of open market space

Fog and haze is not scattered, fresh air to become an urgent need, and therefore become the subject of national policy guidance. From May 2010 to June 2015, between 5 years, the state has introduced 12 regulatory policies to ensure effective control of VOCs. Policy issued by the Ministry of environmental protection, the Ministry of finance, Ministry of industry, the State Council, and so on, shows that the state strictly control VOC, from the source to control haze determination. In 2013 the State Council promulgated the "history of the most stringent" air pollution prevention and control plan (air pollution prevention action plan), for the next five years to carry out air pollution control in china. In the 13 years of legislation based on the revised air pollution prevention act, the VOCs product standa*** are listed, the requirements of the development of coal, fuel, petroleum coke, biomass fuels, fireworks, coatings and other products containing volatile organic standa***, a clear ring. In the industrial air pollution prevention and control section, a total of four and VOCs exhaust gas prevention and control, accounting for more than half of the chapter, followed by the relevant secti*** of the VOCs prevention and control is also involved in many countries will spend great efforts in the prevention and control of pollution VOCs, VOCs governance related industries will also usher in a golden period of development.

Table 2:VOCs governance related laws and regulati*** policy process

The provisi*** of the VOCs sewage charges, by the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of environmental protection. The use of innovative sewage levy fee model, to maximize the mobilization of the enthusia*** of enterprises to declare their own initiative, the government for dynamic supervision, to encourage the third party to participate in, encourage social and industry supervision.

Figure 4:VOCs sewage levy mode

Figure 5:VOCs sewage levy work process

According to the organic waste gas treatment industry in 2013, the development of a c***ervative estimate of the domestic VOCs monitoring equipment market nearly 20 billion yuan, governance market demand in 30 billion yuan / year. We predict that the domestic VOCs monitoring equipment market over 50 billion yuan, the market demand for governance in 20 billion yuan / year.

(1) online monitoring needs 55 billion 500 million

Recently, the Ministry of Finance and other three ministries jointly issued volatile organic sewage charges pilot approach, the VOCs sewage charges and other atmospheric pollutants to the same height, the requirements of oil chemical industry and packaging printing as the focus of the industry began to levy, Beijing area of the highest 40 yuan / kg. High standa*** will be forced to impose new VOCs monitoring equipment and management facilities. At the same time, thirteen five period the total pollutant control targets in key areas will be added to VOCs. In the continuous promotion of the policy, VOCs governance industry will usher in accelerated development, and as the basis for VOCs governance and security monitoring system, the market is expected to lead the first outbreak.

VOCs monitoring market, including urban, industrial parks and pollution sources monitoring market. VOCs online monitoring equipment needs to cover the whole country.

Figure 6:VOCs monitoring market: urban, industrial parks and pollution sources monitoring market

Assume that the future air quality monitoring sites in each city are added to VOCs monitoring equipment, estimation of a single set of equipment 1 million 800 thousand yuan. China's existing urban monitoring points 1512, the market space for the city online monitoring for the first. According to the existing 435 national industrial parks and 1222 provincial industrial parks, in accordance with the two monitoring points (plant and living area), each of the 1 million 800 thousand monitoring points to be estimated, then the relevant industrial park VOCs monitoring market will reach yuan. According to the key areas of air pollution prevention and control of the Twelfth Five Year Plan key projects for the country a total of 1311 VOCs focus management companies, as well as Shanghai City, the number of subsidies for enterprises (focus on corporate governance 28, 2000) to estimate the proportion of subsidies, VOCs monitoring equipment is expected to achieve the highest in the pollution source. According to a single set of pollution sources monitoring equipment 500 thousand yuan estimates, the market space will reach yuan. Therefore, China's online monitoring market is expected to 55 billion 500 million yuan.

Table 3: online monitoring of investment forecast

(2), "45" treatment facilities demand over 90 billion

China as a manufacturing power, related to the VOCs pollution emissi***, VOCs he***y pollution industry in our country accounted for most of the world production capacity, coupled with the low level of corporate universal cleaner production, resulting in a huge amount of VOCs emissi*** in China, so the market is huge, China VOCs governance is not encountered in other countries in the development process. VOCs includes the following several parts: (1) process improvement; (2) leakage control (LDAR); (3) the floating roof tank is replaced by a fixed tank or a closed exhaust system; (4) end treatment. According to the key areas of air pollution prevention and control "Twelve five" plan key projects, the total investment of 350 billion yuan, of which 61 billion 500 million yuan directly for the treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) governance projects, the new volatile organic emissi*** reduction capacity of 1 million 10 thousand t*** / year, accounting for 17.6% of total investment. Can foreknow "45" will continue to add VOCs reduction ability, at the same time will be included in the VOCs index system of total control of pollutants, so in accordance with the project on the basis of the original 50% increase that thirteen five period for VOCs governance required for the project investment of not less than 92 billion 200 million yuan, annual investment of about 20 billion.

Table 4: investment required by management facilities

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