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发布时间:2015-12-17 02:06:15        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

As the air pollutant is more and more, the "acceptance" of the regional air has become a scarce resource. In order to force the government and pollution control, Nanjing will be the first to implement the use of emission rights and trading. Among them, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen of these 4 kinds of waste gas and wastewater discharge of major pollutants will be included in the public resources and trade directory, as a public resource to trade.

Next week, Nanjing will be the first time for the first time the emission rights indicators for public auction. Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau held a press conference on 15, said that the 4 kinds of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen emissi*** and waste water of the main pollutants will be included in the public resources and trade directory, as a public resource transacti***.

The effective use of emission rights is generally 5 years

As the air pollutant is more and more, the "acceptance" of the regional air has become a scarce resource. It is reported that Nanjing will be the first time to implement the use of emission rights paid and trading, the purpose is to force the government and pollution must be introduced into the water pollution control".

Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau official said, the use and trading of emission rights is the principle of the market mechani*** to introduce environmental management system, the use of emissi*** trading price leverage, to fully play the subjective initiative to encourage enterprises to take various measures to actively implement pollution reduction, reduce environmental resources, and thus achieve the decline of regional emissi*** and environmental quality improvement. It is reported that in late December, the first public bidding auction will be held in Nanjing city public resources trading center.

Since January 1, 2016, Nanjing City, the industrial sewage units will be implemented for the use of emission rights, the right to compensation for the acquisition of the right to use, transfer and mortgage, etc.. Through new, alteration, expansion of environmental protection treatment facilities and to improve the standard, clean production, eliminate backward production capacity and other ways to reduce the amount of surplus emissi***, both for their own production needs, but also the balance of emissi*** trading, leasing, or apply for environmental protection department. The effective use of emission rights indicators shall not exceed 5 years in principle.

Can not buy the sewage indicators of the new project can not be launched"

According to the regulati***, since December 1, 2015, new, alteration, expansion of the project to increase emissi*** of pollution rights indicators, must be submitted to the c***truction project *** approval documents prior to the transaction through emissi***. That is to say, there is no sewage indicators, the project can not be launched, and the f***orable environment for quality projects, you can get the green light.

It is reported that the emission rights indicators reached or exceeded the standard of the transaction control, through a public bidding way from Nanjing city public resources trading center trading platform to buy; not to reach the standard of transaction control, by the way of fixed sell directly to the municipal sewage reserves management.

Public bidding transaction price is determined by means of a public auction, but not lower than the standard of compensation for the use of the price, finance and environmental protection departments. Quota transfer in accordance with the implementation of the standard collection. Enterprises can also choose to transfer agreement, the transaction price by the parties to negotiate a decision, but not less than 80% of the standard of compensation for the use of.

In addition, one of the following circumstances, shall not participate in the emissi*** trading Nanjing: Area (Park) or the total emission of industry has no balance; by the municipal level and above implementation of environmental protection and regional restricti*** zone (Park) in the lift restricti*** before the area shall arrange sewage units participating in emissi*** trading restricti*** of pollutants; is the implementation of environmental protection supervise the handling of sewage disposal units before the delisting deadline for the implementation of environmental protection and management of sewage units rectification acceptance shall not participate in emissi*** trading through the front; sewage units did not carry out compensation for the use of emission rights; existing sewage units of emission trading illegal breach in the last 1 years; the sewage units did not complete the task of emission reduction.

Business is not rich can be "willful"

To carry out compensation for the use of emission rights and trading, is not an increase in the burden of enterprises? In this regard, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau official said, in the short term, will increase the company's operating costs, some companies rely on to earn the cost of living environment, and may even go bankrupt. However, in the long run, this will force the sewage companies to pay attention to environmental protection, which is good for the enterprise and the environment are more than the disadvantages."

"The public auction of emission rights reflects the value of its invisibility, improves the efficiency of the allocation of environmental resources, and plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources. At the same time, forced enterprises to accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, explore new ways of energy s***ing and emission reduction, to provide the internal driving force for the transformation and upgrading of enterprises." The resp***ible person said that in the future, Nanjing will continue to improve the emissi*** trading system, strengthen the supervision of the operation of the right to discharge and emission trading.

In addition, although the enterprise can purchase the emission rights through the trading mechani*** in the market, but the actual emissi*** should also be subject to the national and local environmental protection of the statutory obligati***. "These policies are multi pronged, the common function, can effectively guarantee the improvement of the regional environmental quality." Experts say.

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