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发布时间:2015-12-01 06:54:54        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

In the next five years, we should increase the emissi*** of volatile organic compounds in key industries, as a binding target.

According to the Ministry of environmental protection, the "Twelve five" period, China's four major pollutants continued to decline sharply, has been six months to complete the main pollutant emission reduction "Twelve five" planning objectives. In this regard, the Minister of environmental protection Chen Jining said that the improvement of environmental quality can not be achieved overnight, the next five years we will continue to force, to continue to implement the four major pollutants emissi***, based on the increase in key industries, such as emissi*** of volatile organic compounds, etc., as a binding target, continuous improvement of environmental quality.

According to the Ministry of environmental protection, "Twelve five" period, China's four major pollutants - chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emissi*** continued to decline significantly, has been six months to complete the main pollutant emission reduction "Twelve five" planning objectives.

Data show that the first four years of accumulated, China's major pollutants COD, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emissi*** were reduced by 10.1%, 9.8%, 12.9% and 8.6%. In the first half of this year, four pollutant emissi*** continue to achieve a relatively large decline.

Reduction of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissi***, bringing the most ***ious environmental benefits, is China's acid rain area has been restored to the last century 90's level. The amount of COD emissi*** decreased, promote the main river water environmental quality gradually improved, the important symbol is worse than grade V section ratio significantly reduced, from 44% in 2001 to 9.0% in 2014, a decline of up to 80%.

"We are not only trying to solve the domestic environmental problems, but also to make a significant contribution to the international environmental issues." Chen Jining, Minister of environmental protection, said that in the ozone layer protection, China promulgated the implementation of the national plan for the elimination of ozone depletion of ozone layer, the total elimination of ozone layer material 25 t***, accounting for more than half of the total amount of developing countries, the successful completion of the Montreal protocol, the implementation of the provisi*** of the various stages of the task.

However, it is necessary to realize that the improvement of environmental quality can not be achieved overnight. Chen Jining reminded that some of the major pollutants in China is still up to 2000 t***, only to reduce the environmental quality will be significantly improved by 30% to 50%.

The CPC Central Committee on the formulation of national economic and social development the thirteenth five-year planning "Outline" 45 "period of China's green development blueprint, clearly put forward to improve the quality of the environment as the core, to implement the most stringent environmental protection system to 2020 achieve state an overall improvement in environmental quality.

"That would reverse the trend of ecological environment in China, is a very important turning point in history, at the same time also means' 45 'will implement a series of major ecological and environmental protection action." Environmental Protection Department of environmental and economic policy research center director Xia Guang said.

"45" planning proposals are put forward to improve the environmental quality of hard requirements, including the expansion of the scope of total quantity control of pollutant, fine particulate matter and other environmental quality indicators included in the binding targets; industrial pollution sources in the implementation of full compliance emissi*** plan.

Chen Jining in the interpretation of these hard tasks, said that the next five years, China will continue to implement the four major pollutants emissi*** control based on the increase in key industries, such as volatile organic emissi*** and other indicators, the implementation of regional, watershed, and industry characteristics of the total control index.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has ***all size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both h***e the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the ***ell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work.

In addition, he said, "45" period, China will promote the implementation of coal-fired power plant ultra low emission transformation, atmospheric pollution transport channel gasification, petrochemical and chemical industries volatile organic compounds treatment such as a group of environmental governance in key engineering, driven by big project management.

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