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企业超标排放 “按日计罚”总额超300万

发布时间:2015-11-25 03:36:35        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

Recently, from Ningbo Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that this year 1 ~ 10 months, the city's environmental protection department were registered and investigate and deal with illegal enterprises 1058 times, which 13 enterprises implemented on a daily basis meter penalty, penalty count and the total amount of 3.272 million yuan. Ningbo Municipal Environmental Monitoring detachment resp***ible person said, since the new environmental law came out, the administrative law enforcement and criminal justice seamless convergence, serious environmental violati***, and resolutely investigate its criminal resp***ibility. Effectively curb the environmental violati*** of sewage enterprises.

Companies secretly discharge, the black river, the air becomes worse. Environmental protection departments come to law enforcement, but into a fine, pollution, and then fine, and then the embarras***ent of pollution. In January 1st this year, the implementation of the new environmental law, known as the most stringent history of environmental law. One of the highlights of the daily penalty system, to break this cycle. From Ningbo Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that this year 1 ~ 10 months, the city's environmental protection department were registered and investigate and deal with illegal enterprises 1058 times, which 13 enterprises implemented on a daily basis meter penalty, penalty count and the total amount of 3.272 million yuan. Recently along the punishment cases occurred in Zhenhai, continuous "daily penalty" 22 days, the company was fined he***y fines of $44 million, and the original amount of punishment only 2 million yuan.

Three sampling did not pass through, and after 22 days before and after

Always in the middle of the night to ***ell a pungent odor, especially when the ventilation window, Xunde people sleep is not stable, the residents living in the vicinity of the miserable. After verification, the company called Ningbo Kang Li Glass Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in float glass production, the relevant environmental approval procedures are complete, the main pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot.

Staff monitoring found that in contrast to the national emission standa***, enterprises in the outer exhaust gas nitrogen oxide concentration exceeded. Environmental protection department subsequently filed for investigation, and according to the law will be ordered to correct environmental violati***, the decision to send to the enterprise. However, enterprises in accordance with the old idea, feel that the penalty is a matter of tens of thousands of pieces, and not one thing. Three sampling did not pass through, and after 22 days before and after.

Sort of timetable: August 13th, the environmental protection department of the company to review and sample. After monitoring, the exhaust emissi*** of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide concentration is still more than the national emission standa***; in August 18th, the second review of the clearance, make a decision to correct the illegal beh***ior of the book, served second times a decision; in September 6th, Third Review and sampling. Through monitoring, the company exhaust standard row extraoral exhaust soot, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide concentrati*** are in line with national standa*** for the discharge of the provisi***.

During this period, the environmental protection department of the illegal beh***ior of the excessive emissi*** of pollutants has made a fine of 20000 yuan, the administrative penalty decision, and served on September 1, 2015.

"Daily penalty" 440000 yuan, business owners look stupid

However, this is not the final ticket. The staff explained that the new environmental law specified in Article 59, production enterprises, instituti*** and other operators of illegal discharge of pollutants, subject to fines, shall be ordered to make correcti*** if it refuses to do so, shall make the decision on punishment, the administrative organ may order the day after the date of correction, according to the original penalty amount of daily c***ecutive penalties.

In this case, for example, the environmental protection departments to implement continuous daily penalties on Ningbo Kangli Glass Co., penalty for 22 days. The way is: 20000 yuan x 22 days =44 million. That is to say, the company should pay the penalty of 440000, rather than the original 20000 yuan. Hear this number, business owners meng.

Ningbo City Environmental Monitoring detachment resp***ible person said, conform to the total daily penalty case, often there are so few features: 1. There are illegal sewage beh***ior; 2. H***e been fined; 3. The environmental protection departments shall be ordered to correct but refuses to make correcti***.

"In the past, environmental law enforcement, we h***e encountered the biggest embarras***ent is high compliance costs, illegal low cost. Environmental protection department found a time, can only be punished once. Now is not the same, if the enterprise can not correct the illegal beh***ior, the punishment process can continue to cycle, until the end of the rectification." Ningbo City Environmental Monitoring detachment resp***ible person explained, once the conditi*** are met, the environmental protection departments can the remorse of enterprises to make a correction, the next day, according to the original penalty amount of daily c***ecutive penalties.

10 months ago, 13 companies of the total amount of 3272000 yuan daily penalty

Is known as the "history of the most stringent" of the new environmental law, the implementation of the full year in Ningbo, law enforcement? November 23rd, Ningbo Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced a set of data: from 1 to October, the city's environmental protection department to investigate and deal with illegal enterprises 1058 times, issued an administrative penalty of nearly 54000000 yuan. There are 13 enterprises to implement daily penalty penalty, the total amount of 3272000 yuan.

The scene mentioned a case, in August 24th this year, Beilun Jiangnan electroplating factory was sentenced to 10 days of the "daily penalty" punishment. Although this enterprise continuous daily meter penalty days shorter than Ningbo Kangli Glass Co., Ltd., but the fine amount is since the beginning of this year, Ningbo is the largest since the implementation of the "daily penalty". The penalty amount of the original 85420 yuan, after the date of the penalty, the penalty amount reached 854200 yuan.

Ningbo City Environmental Monitoring detachment resp***ible person added: "in the past, some of the business owners to the environment illegal beh***ior. Until the waste gas wastewater was discovered, they take the initiative with the Quilt Blanket came to the detention center, after work. Since the new environmental law came out, the administrative law enforcement and criminal justice seamless connection, the serious environmental violati***, and resolutely pursue their criminal resp***ibility." It is reported that, so far, 55 cases h***e been sent to the environmental crime, the public security departments to take coercive measures 99 people.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has ***all size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both h***e the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the ***ell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work.

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