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UV***光解治理石化行业VOCs— 打造“无异味工厂”

发布时间:2015-11-19 04:15:07        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

UV***光解治理石化行业VOCs— 打造“无异味工厂”
UV efficient photolysis of governance in the petrochemical industry VOCs - to create a "no odor factory"

Tianjin Petrochemical has always been green and enterprise development synchronization, for Fourteen c***ecutive years to obtain the national Ankang Cup winner of the competition. In recent two years, the company has aimed at building a "no ***ell factory" to start a more targeted.

Enterprises since the emission standa***, then the ***ell is coming from? Liu Zhonghe, deputy director of the Tianjin petrochemical, said the main come from the device to produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as there is a part of inorganic sulfide.

Odor control is a common problem in petrochemical enterprises. In this regard, Tianjin Petrochemical from production management, new technology application, the source control three aspects of the force, so that the volatile organic compounds h***e been effectively controlled by the organization and emissi*** of non organization, and achieved the stage results.

As long as the environmental protection needs of a lot of investment

January 1, 2016, Tianjin Petrochemical h***e a lie in front of leap to a new height, that is according to Tianjin to implement the national first the industrial enterprises of VOCs emissi*** control standa*** ", emission source emission concentration must perform the 80mg, the maximum limit value. This is a domestic leader, the world's advanced level. In this regard, Tianjin Petrochemical active resp***e, strict control of the new standard requirements, a comprehensive investigation and identification of the organization of emission sources, one by one to develop governance measures.

"We call that there is a discharge of emissi***, we use the closed transformation, collection and management, and other ways to increase the management of facilities, such as effective governance." The water department director Wang introduced all the rings.

No. three sewage treatment field of waste gas treatment is Sinopec Tianjin "clear water and blue sky" project is one of the key projects, prior to the open type treatment, wastewater of organic acid gases are highly volatile. Tianjin petrochemical in the waste water tank after the transformation, the new waste gas biological treatment device, after the collection of waste gas seal to the waste gas biological treatment plant for processing, from the root of the source.

Up to now, in addition to h***e been completed and voted with the set of 11 volatile gas odor control device, oil refining department, Ministry of chemical industry, olefin division multiple loading stacks Taiwan airtight transformation and oil gas recycling project in expediting the c***truction.

In recent years, Tianjin petrochemical in the odor treatment, especially in the VOCs control and Governance on the investment of 100 million yuan. "There is a strange ***ell, the production operation of the existence of material leakage, and the leakage is not only a safe hidden trouble, is the loss of benefit, but also the sustainable development of enterprise health bottleneck. Therefore, the environmental protection work, Tianjin Petrochemical has always adhere to the 'three one principle, one of which is, as long as the need for environmental protection to invest a lot of investment." Tianjin petrochemical Liu Zhonghe, Deputy Minister of the Ministry said.

New technology to help make no organization emissi*** control

"The previous useful soap test of liquefied gas tank leaks practice. This method is found in the leakage of at least 15000 PPM or more, and we use LDAR leak detection and repair technology, more than 500PPM that is leaking. Its sensitivity and accuracy is self-evident." Tianjin Petrochemical Equipment Department Director Piwei image were compared.

Tianjin city as the first LDAR technology census pilot units, Tianjin Petrochemical began in July 2014, and the city center, the *** center and Qingdao,, and other units of cooperation, a pilot survey, dem***tration.

"We need by sets of control device design, in accordance with the VOC leak detection methods and standa*** determine range test, field identification, documentation, on-site inspection found leakage identification listed, timely maintenance until test-retest standard to complete the detection and repair." Pi Wei introduction.

Up to now, Tianjin Petrochemical has completed including 10 million t*** / year atmospheric and vacuum distillation, 36 sets of oil refining, chemical industry, ethylene device LDAR detection work, to establish VOC seal archives 347269, leak rate of 0.79%, the repair rate of 73.9%.

Next they will prepare the report on the detection of a single set of devices, analysis, statistical components of information leakage and overhaul next year for a period of relief the leak repair ready, also combing LDAR work flow management formulated relevant technical requirements, c***truct the VOCs emission monitoring system, the LDAR normalization, "no ***ell factory" overall goal of laying a solid foundation for the realization of.

Full "siege" odor from the source control

Oil refining Department No. 1 delayed coker seven meters platform is of decoking task, four joint workshop exercises high Zhitao inspection through here, carry wear hydrogen sulfide alarm instrument quietly. He has a ***ell, not previously in addition to the peculiar ***ell of coke.

Workshop director Xiong Fei ye on the No. 1 coking coke cooling water system of odor risk management of the project, although not Sinopec Tianjin "clear water and blue sky" project, but because workers in relation to the physical and mental health, still received the company's attention, half a year to implement ago effect good employee satisfaction.

"The ***ell of governance for the benefit of the country, or our employees. These years of environmental protection investment and governance effect, the workers to see, the enthusia*** is very high, the workers on the safety and environmental protection optimization suggesti*** and improvement measures accounted for more than half of the rationalization proposal." Ye Xiongfei said.

Tianjin Petrochemical on odor emissi*** from the source control, production plan, management, investment, especially in the specific period for the device to open and shut down, increase pipeline rec***truction and other special times, strengthen training and training of workers, to ensure that the implementation of governance measures in place. They also in accordance with the new VOC emission standa*** in Tianjin to optimize the project technical plan to ensure the completion of the project to meet the new standard requirements, in order to promote the c***truction project environmental protection, environmental protection management level.

Not long ago, the Ministry of environmental protection of the feasibility of VOCs simplified calculation method to verify the research, the first station selected Tianjin petrochemical. Five days of the original work plan for the successful completion of the two days. Research group leaders thanks to the Tianjin Petrochemical's strength with the combined evaluation, Tianjin petrochemical equipment, testing and repair in line with national standa***, operating methods, for the verification of accounting methods to provide a reliable basis, which is the direct reason for their high efficiency research.

"The most stringent local environmental standa***, both pressure and more power." Yu Xiaowei, deputy general manager of Tianjin petrochemical industry in Binhai New Area, said the company must comply with the red line, but to create a "no ***ell factory", the pursuit of green low-carbon sustainable goal.

Organic waste gas treatment equipment is Shanxi TT exhaust gas treatment Environmental Technology Center launched the latest Frierson special research and development products, it is -RSTUV light lift ***elly filtration device, using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation malodorous gases, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, the molecular chain structure of benzene, toluene, xylene, organic or inorganic polymer odorous compounds molecular chain, in high-energy ultr***iolet light irradiation, the degradation of transformation into low molecular weight compounds, such as CO2 and H2O.

The use of high energy UV beams to break the molecular bonds of the bacteria in the foul ***elling gas, destroy the bacteria nucleic acid (DNA), and then through the ozone oxidation reaction, completely achieve the purpose of killing bacteria.

The organic waste gas treatment equipment of the Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center is suitable for the treatment of oil refinery, rubber plant, chemical plant, pharmaceutical factory, sewage treatment plant, garbage transfer station, etc..

The Shanxi TT exhaust gas treatment environmental technology center is working with the environmental protection enterprises and scientific research units to discuss cooperation, welcomed the environmental treatment of people with lofty ideals to cooperate with us.

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