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发布时间:2015-11-13 02:29:32        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

Recently, the northeast he***y haze pollution phenomenon, has aroused the attention of the whole nation. Air quality is getting more and more attention, and VOC is one of the most important air pollutants, has become the focus of governance object. "45" for the first time the c***truction of ecological civilization into the five year plan, means more strict environmental protection. This also means that the VOC huge market space is about to be opened.

VOC market space is far beyond the traditional pollutants scale, VOC is expected to be included in the thirteen five planning total control. Different from the definition of VOC, the definition of China is relatively broad, that is, the organic matter that can participate in the atmospheric photochemical reaction is called VOC". According to the Chinese Academy of environmental planning research results, on the one hand, VOC emissi*** of about 31000000 t***, according to the current VOC fee standa*** (Beijing high standa***, at 20 - 40 yuan /kg), VOC market size will be far more than the traditional air pollutant market, the United States VOC emissi*** 2.5 - 3 times. Therefore, we expect the country in thirteen five will focus on the total control of the object into VOC;

"Comprehensive regulation of oil and gas recovery + + source control" is an important means to control the VOC thirteen five period. During the period of 45, it is expected that countries will be in the petrochemical, chemical, surface coating, packaging, printing and other industries to carry out comprehensive improvement of VOC, which petrochemical industry of leak detection and repair work is very important, the LDAR test measures is worth using for reference. Future countries will also be in crude oil, refined oil terminal oil, gas stati***, oil and gas recovery management. In addition, the state will encourage the promotion of water-based paint, low benzene solvents, low toxicity and low volatile solvents;

VOC sewage charges is expected to further expand the scope of punitive charges in Beijing and other places to start. Current standa*** for sewage charges, volatile organic compounds h***e 4 - 3 kinds of pollutants in the directory. But the VOC type of hundreds of thousands, so the atmosphere of the ten proposed to expand the scope of the VOC sewage charges levied. VOC rate to implement punitive charges mechani*** to encourage enterprises to reduce emissi***. The current sewage charges are: local governments h***e the right to develop higher than the national standa***, such as Beijing, Tianjin, etc.. Beijing VOC emissi*** increased more, according to different circumstances, the price of the 20 - 40 yuan /kg, and the higher the emission standa***, the higher the price of the charges;

"Enterprise reporting + regulatory approved" into "enterprise declaration approved + regulatory checks", audit mode change; "fee tax" overall program imminent. For a petrochemical enterprise, 20 - 30 people in the professional team if the VOC of all devices to reduce leakage accounts for 1 times a long time; the environmental protection departments do not h***e enough time and energy in the previous accounting, accounting and reporting, and then the environmental protection department from the form of progress, the main concern is whether the existence of the company. "We expect the overall scheme of tax" will be before the end of 2015 by the State Council submitted to the National People's Congress to enter the legislative process. From the time, both VOC and charging pilot and "fee to tax" just go hand in hand, that side of the legislation, side for the pilot, after the basic completion of the legislation, the pilot to gain experience, when the country has the current sewage charges of VOC together into the "fee to tax".

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has ***all size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both h***e the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the ***ell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work.

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