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发布时间:2015-11-05 02:22:16        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

Qingdao to install automatic monitoring equipment, timely treatment of excessive sewage units

Qingdao City, 200 coal-fired boilers to set up an advanced monitor to achieve 24 hours monitoring emissi*** at any time to attack law enforcement

The normal production of coal fired boiler Daocheng 20 t***, all to achieve the automatic monitoring. On November 3, from Qingdao City, Shandong Province Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that, coal-fired boiler is castle pollutants emitters, to ensure that the 24 hour monitoring, allowing them to discharge standa***, Qingdao city installed "latent whistle", it can timely reporting of excessive sewage units, is conducive to the law enforcement officers to monitor, resulting in heating season to protect the castle's air quality.

Real time monitoring of 200 boilers

November 3rd, from the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that they promote the improvement of atmospheric environmental quality and new results, after technological transformation, the city's more than 20 t*** of coal-fired boilers to achieve automatic monitoring of about more than 200 units, and the implementation of standardized c***truction site. It is understood that the monitoring of emissi*** from Qingdao City, a total of more than 80, the use of artificial monitoring.

Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau at the beginning of this year issued a document, the specific requirements of both the c***truction of the sewage outfall standardized c***truction and automatic monitoring station building from area specificati***, foundation, station building structure, wall materials, station lightning protection, station environmental protection logo, site name inkjet, door and window specificati***, as well as flue gas automatic monitoring station, escalator c***truction.

"The city of air pollutants, many of which are caused by the boiler coal." Qingdao City Environmental Protection Bureau staff said, the coal boiler is stable emission standa***, is an important part of the air quality in Qingdao city.

Can improve air quality

After all efforts to promote, the current Qingdao City, more than 20 t*** of normal production of coal-fired boilers to achieve automatic monitoring and implementation of the field side of the standardized management. Automatic monitoring of the content of the monitoring include: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, flow, etc.. It is reported that the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau will be included in the automatic monitoring of more than 20 t*** of coal-fired boilers for real-time monitoring, real-time will exceed the standard or abnormal data sent to the environmental management department, the daily ***erage exceeded the sewage units in a timely manner, timely treatment of sewage units.

At the same time, in order to ensure data is more accurate and effective, the organization of monitoring personnel to carry out an automatic data audit every quarter, the implementation of manual alignment detection, to achieve automatic and manual monitoring data, to achieve full range of real-time monitoring, guarantee the normal operation of automatic equipment, accurate measurement data to ensure accurate. It is understood that these boilers, 60% are resp***ible for heating the task to the public, while the rest is not for the public heating, but there are many units for their own use of the boiler, the unit's own heating needs.

According to historical data, the annual winter heating period, air quality of Qingdao city are a severe test, automatic monitoring, can ***oid companies secretly excessive discharge of pollutants, the air quality to protect the castle will play a greater role.

"Latent post" through the Environmental Protection Agency

From the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau was informed that these latent posts are installed in the middle of the chimney, which has automatic analysis device, can record the pollution in real time in the exhaust gas, and then through the wireless tran***ission system, the data returned to the environmental protection agency computer system. Once exceeded, the system will alarm, the staff through the alarm situation and then implement manual inspection.

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center as an organic waste gas treatment experts, is now launched organic waste gas purification equipment: UV with high ozone ultr***iolet light equipment, has been working with the major environmental protection companies, and organic waste gas purification to meet national standa***, Shanxi TT look forward to more environmental protection companies will be organic waste gas purification,

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