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发布时间:2015-11-03 03:26:22        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

High ozone UV lamp - a key battle for the treatment of organic waste gas

In recent years, the focus of environmental issues, the frequent haze, water pollution is still he***y, the accumulation of pollutants in the soil has been a threat to food safety. The grim situation of the environment in the tip, we can not keep up the pace of governance is far from the requirements of the people. In the future, the speed of environmental governance must further accelerate, the expectati*** of the people of "every day is blue day" into reality, which requires everyone's efforts.

In the coastal city of environmental monitoring work of friends h***e a 6 year old daughter, one day, the child asked: "Mom, when can always h***e a blue sky?" "30 years!" Out of this sentence, so that a friend of their own to fight a cold war.

From the point of view of the development of Europe and the United States, from large-scale pollution to the environmental quality improved significantly in the time span of about 20 years - 40 years. The friend said: if a thorough treatment of the environment really really need to be around 30 years, then the daughter also to my age, suffering from pollution is not only our and the next generation, may even be affected by the third generation.

"Environmental protection is a basic national policy" "can not go the way of governance after pollution", in the concept of environmental protection, we h***e always been aware of people. However, in actual operation, but it is much pollution and little control, and even light pollution is not governance. "Five eleven" before, environmental protection five years of planning has never been fully completed, this shows that not only did not do timely governance, but also continue to owe more environmental accounts.

It is therefore, the environmental problems in recent years focused on the show, frequent haze, water pollution is still he***y, the accumulation of pollutants in the soil has threatened food safety. As the Minister of environmental protection Chen Jining said, China is a compression type, the pursuit of rapid industrialization road. Compared with the development of the developed countries, the environmental problems in the same development stage of our country are more complex.

From the top to the public, has realized the seriousness of the problem, a campaign against pollution has started, the total pollutant control targets from two increase to four, reducing the effectiveness of all to see; air ten, water ten full implementation of the ten is to develop, and the fight against pollution is moving towa*** full range.

However, severe environmental situation is always at the prompt, the speed of our governance is far from miss the people's requirements -- in the implementation of the new ambient air quality standard for 161 cities and city standa*** only a dozen; river water quality remained stable at the same time, minor ***all branch, groundwater pollution has increased, due to the accumulation of the history of pollution, some areas of environmental quality is still worsening. Ecological environment quality and people's expectati*** of a better living environment of the aspirati*** of the existence of the gap, to achieve a comprehensive well-off road on a clear short board.

Sick as a mountain down, to disease, such as spinning, pollution control relates to human and natural factors, results are often and efforts are difficult to be directly proportional to, does require patience. But it is believed that one thing is the c***ensus of the people of the whole country -- that we can not bear the suffering of environmental pollution in our children and grandchildren. In the future, the speed of environmental governance must be further accelerated.

We can calmly face because of environmental protection on the spur of the moment "drag" economic growth, to be able to accept and embrace pollution caused by all kinds of inconvenience, to h***e faith against pollution of unity is strength, in order to expedite the settlement of the problem of environmental pollution.

There are two months in 2016, a new five year is coming towa*** us. Further strengthen the c***truction of ecological civilization, build the sky bluer, the water more clear beautiful China, will be the important content of 45 plan. The heart of the hope, the children don't grow up in the gray sky, the future waiting for them is "sky blue". The blueprint and look forward to become a reality, the whole society need Lulitongxin, everyone needs to pay unremitting efforts.

Shanxi TT exhaust gas treatment Environmental Technology Center launched a low-pressure mercury lamp for high precision and high tran***ittance of imported materials, the use of foreign advanced technology, for the low pressure mercury lamp with cold and hot cathode ultr***iolet lamp, also can make corresponding electronic ballast, with the complex and special waste gas or waste water treatment and environmental, in terms of temperature rise and stability h***e great breakthrough. Professional for water treatment, air conditioner, refrigerator, cabinet, toilet, air purifier, gas processing, light cleaning, solar energy, fume purification, ink curing, toothbrush sterilizer, bottle sterilizer, aquatic products processing factory, fish meal factory, chemical plant, spraying plants, food factory, medical units, electronic industry and oil refinery, garbage power plant, rubber plant, pharmaceutical factory, sewage treatment plant, paper mill, tannery factory, paint factory, refuse transfer stati*** and other malodorous gas deodorization purification treatment, and so provide high ozone vacuum w***e ultr***iolet lamp tube, and for brand OEM processing.

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