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所在地区: 山西 晋中
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公司官网: www.sx185.com


发布时间:2015-10-16 04:57:22        

Shanxi TT high ozone ultr***iolet light / finishing

Control VOCs start with high ozone ultr***iolet light

Shanxi TT waste gas treatment of Environmental Technology Center launched a high ozone ultr***iolet lamp is an efficient tool for the treatment of organic waste gas, its principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultr***iolet light irradiation malodorous gas molecules bond, pyrolysis gas odor material such as ammonia, trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene and xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into ***all molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O.

Common specificati*** are as follows:

Single ended 4 straight straight 120W800mm H, 150W800mm length, single ended 4 needle straight 150W1000mm full-length, single ended 4 150W1200 full length, style can be used as double end double needle or straight pipe, H tube single ended 4 needles can be, 150W1 meter or more with high quality performance of the special frequency w***e converter, size of about 320*31*28. The size of the square ballast is: 120*70*35. 320W1554mm mercury lamp is equipped with a special frequency converter with South Korean movement, about 248*108*48mm. Power, length can be customized, such as the 180W double H tube, which is especially the 150WH tube 800mm due to the installation convenience and the most often used for environmental protection projects

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau released the "adhesive and building materials for the content of volatile organic compounds content limit standard (Draft)". The standard of the adhesive and the c***truction of the content of volatile organic compounds content, testing methods, inspection rules, management requirements and other content, are strictly related to the national limits, applicable to the production, sales and c***truction projects in Beijing, the use of various types of adhesives and architectural coatings.

In order to implement the Beijing air pollution prevention regulati***, reduce the use of adhesive and architectural coatings volatile organic compounds emissi***, improve the regional atmospheric environmental quality, Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau recently released the "adhesive and architectural coatings volatile organic content limit value standard (Draft)". This standard by the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision, Beijing City Administration of industry and commerce, Beijing city housing and urban and Rural C***truction Committee and other joint organizati*** to implement.

From Beijing City Environmental Protection Bureau, this is the first time in Beijing to release adhesive and architectural coatings volatile organic content limit value standard. The standard of the adhesive and the c***truction of the content of volatile organic compounds content, testing methods, inspection rules, management requirements and other content, are strictly related to the state limit, applicable to the production, sales and c***truction projects (including Municipal Engineering) used in the various types of adhesives and architectural coatings.

Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau of science and Technology Standa*** Department Li Lina said that this year, Beijing has released 6 control of volatile organic emissi*** standa***, involving oil refining and petrochemical, printing, furniture manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, automotive maintenance, industrial coating and other industries. But these 6 standa*** are mainly for the industry emissi*** control, although the use of low volatile organic compounds content of raw materials, but the focus is still in the production process to minimize emissi***, and to focus on the emissi*** of pollutants. And the release of the adhesive and the c***truction of the content of volatile organic compounds content limit standard (Draft) is a direct control of the product, the real source to control the discharge of pollutants.

In addition, the publication of the standa*** and the public life. "Whether it is the adhesive or architectural coatings, are often used in the daily decoration materials. It is commonly found in the selection of these materials only concerned about the formaldehyde content, but the material containing volatile organic compounds will also be harmful to the environment, the human body." Li Lina said that the introduction of the introduction of the standard, Beijing City, the production and sale of adhesives and architectural coatings containing volatile organic compounds must be c***istent with the requirements of the limit, and the product packaging must be clearly marked with the highest content of volatile organic compounds. "This way, the public in the future to buy paint can choose more environmentally friendly products." She said.

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